Friday, December 17, 2010

Cooking the catch

July 24, 2010

This family takes its fish frying seriously almost as seriously as its fishing.

Family Reunion

July 23, 2010

A rare teary-eyed moment for Scout in the first shot. I think she just wanted to go to her mom here, she wasn't hurt or suffering anything horrible.

The next shot is just to include a group shot at the reunion digs. Thanks to Aunt Faye and Uncle Bob for being such awesome hosts, on land and lake.


July 22, 2010

Despite the Arkansas heat, Rich and I headed to a playground with his girls to get out of the house for a bit. Greer had fun but I think she was probably cooked by the time she was done running around out there.


July 21, 2010

Mingus is my brother's first "baby". They got him as a very tiny kitten and he is very into people and very playful. He loves company because it is someone new who might pet him.


July 20, 2010

This is my niece who is one of the most mellow and happiest babies I've ever met.

Airport food

July 19, 2010

This was my in-transit lunch as I traveled to Arkansas to visit the family and go to the 2010 Cromwell family reunion.


July 18, 2010

Mint and muddler, pre-mojito.

An iron is an iron

July 17, 2010

At some point I bought a flat iron for my hair. I had gotten a haircut that I loved and the person who did it used a flat iron to style it and I seemed to think I would have the skills and patience to mimic his work. Wrong. But the iron did not go to waste. These little tools can be used in a pinch for touch-up ironing of clothes. It's great on shirt collars and those wrinkly button plackets. So if you've got one gathering dust in your closet, get it out, clean off the plates and use it on your clothes in a pinch. The best part is that you don't need an ironing board.

Brooklyn pier 6

July 16, 2010

Pier 6 was just revamped as a huge kid-oriented park. There are all kinds of great areas for kids to play, including water features for hot days, but as an adult with no kid, I'm only allowed to go look at the water. This was taken where you can catch a ferry to Governor's Island, which Craig and I did at least once this summer.


July 15, 2010

One of the interesting parts of living somewhere so crowded, is that people tend to put their junk out for others take instead of putting it in the trash. You just put whatever it is that you don't want anymore that you think someone else might want out on your stoop or the sidewalk. Sometimes you put a "free" sign but it usually goes without saying that things sitting out front are up for grabs. Pretty much everything I've ever put out (even electronics with notes that they don't work) has been picked up and we've not had to move it to the trash.

These comics were in a box I passed one day. I was walking Shep so I couldn't really grab a bunch, but I wanted to get a couple. We have a friend here who is really into comics and I thought he would get a kick out of these odd ones. With the recent surge in bedbugs however, I am now scared to pick anything up. These comics were the last thing I picked up.