Friday, December 17, 2010

Cooking the catch

July 24, 2010

This family takes its fish frying seriously almost as seriously as its fishing.

Family Reunion

July 23, 2010

A rare teary-eyed moment for Scout in the first shot. I think she just wanted to go to her mom here, she wasn't hurt or suffering anything horrible.

The next shot is just to include a group shot at the reunion digs. Thanks to Aunt Faye and Uncle Bob for being such awesome hosts, on land and lake.


July 22, 2010

Despite the Arkansas heat, Rich and I headed to a playground with his girls to get out of the house for a bit. Greer had fun but I think she was probably cooked by the time she was done running around out there.


July 21, 2010

Mingus is my brother's first "baby". They got him as a very tiny kitten and he is very into people and very playful. He loves company because it is someone new who might pet him.


July 20, 2010

This is my niece who is one of the most mellow and happiest babies I've ever met.

Airport food

July 19, 2010

This was my in-transit lunch as I traveled to Arkansas to visit the family and go to the 2010 Cromwell family reunion.


July 18, 2010

Mint and muddler, pre-mojito.

An iron is an iron

July 17, 2010

At some point I bought a flat iron for my hair. I had gotten a haircut that I loved and the person who did it used a flat iron to style it and I seemed to think I would have the skills and patience to mimic his work. Wrong. But the iron did not go to waste. These little tools can be used in a pinch for touch-up ironing of clothes. It's great on shirt collars and those wrinkly button plackets. So if you've got one gathering dust in your closet, get it out, clean off the plates and use it on your clothes in a pinch. The best part is that you don't need an ironing board.

Brooklyn pier 6

July 16, 2010

Pier 6 was just revamped as a huge kid-oriented park. There are all kinds of great areas for kids to play, including water features for hot days, but as an adult with no kid, I'm only allowed to go look at the water. This was taken where you can catch a ferry to Governor's Island, which Craig and I did at least once this summer.


July 15, 2010

One of the interesting parts of living somewhere so crowded, is that people tend to put their junk out for others take instead of putting it in the trash. You just put whatever it is that you don't want anymore that you think someone else might want out on your stoop or the sidewalk. Sometimes you put a "free" sign but it usually goes without saying that things sitting out front are up for grabs. Pretty much everything I've ever put out (even electronics with notes that they don't work) has been picked up and we've not had to move it to the trash.

These comics were in a box I passed one day. I was walking Shep so I couldn't really grab a bunch, but I wanted to get a couple. We have a friend here who is really into comics and I thought he would get a kick out of these odd ones. With the recent surge in bedbugs however, I am now scared to pick anything up. These comics were the last thing I picked up.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


July 14, 2010

One of my favorite summer foods. I eat half of it just while cutting it up, usually.

Some much needed rain

July 13, 2010

It was a very dry and very hot summer here. Previous summers never seemed too warm but this one has us running our a/c often. This was one of the first rains in weeks or months.

More pizza

July 12, 2010

Homemade pizza is still a favorite around here these days.

Monday, October 18, 2010

July 11, 2010

Water lilies in the Brooklyn Botanical Garden with pretty much all color but green removed in editing.

R.I.P. Stanley-Bob

July 9, 2010

A sad day here. He was the best gecko. Out of all the years I had him (close to 10 years) he was always gentle and nice until he went to the vet. He had to have surgery (yes I let them do surgery on my gecko) one winter and when he came out of anesthesia he bit the vet and left quite the row of little holes. The vet forgave him because she was just happy he survived and was that spunky. I had to sign a form saying I understood he was very likely to die in surgery. I had to take him back for some check-ups and he tried to bite her every time but not once in our 10 years has tried to bite me. He is missed.

This is his empty tank after we cleaned it out.

party time

July 9, 2010

One of the first people we met when we moved to NYC was Leo, who worked at the company where Craig works. He quit the company years ago but we would run into him periodically (he moved not only to Brooklyn, but a few blocks from us). This summer he took a new job abroad so this was a little going away gathering at Soda, a bar in Prospect Heights. This shot is some guy I don't know, Burns, Charles (he was happier than he looks in this picture), and Craig.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


July 8, 2010

Okay, so finally a post about one of the best cooking classes ever. On a whim, I decided I needed a break from school classes and signed up for a pizza class at the Brooklyn Kitchen. This is one of the best decisions I've ever made. A couple of guys from a popular Brooklyn pizzeria showed us some tricks to making NY-style pizza in a home oven. We've had many home-made pizza's now and I even made some while visiting my folks in Arkansas. Pizza right out of the oven is unbeatable.

Before cooking:

After cooking:

Cary Brothers

July 7, 2010

Excuse the poor point and shoot shot, but I rarely lug my main camera to watch bands play unless they are playing a short walk from home. A friend wanted to see Greg Laswell so we joined. It turned out that one of the opening acts was the Cary Brothers, who you might know for their song "Blue Eyes" on the Garden State soundtrack. There were three acts and they were all basically the same guys, just different leads. A fun show in the far corners of Williamsburg.

A much needed haircut

July 6, 2010

I had not had a haircut for at least a year and half, so I decided it was time. Luckily, our friend and neighbor just finished school for such things and is very good at it. She came over and cut my hair in our kitchen. I don't love pictures of myself so the only reason I'm posting this is because it was my only picture for that day. Months later and this cut still looks good.

Craig in our 6th Ave rental

July 5, 2010

An average evening for Craig, watching smash videos online.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


July 4, 2010

Just a close-up of one of the many sunflowers we've had in the house this summer. Some came from the CSA, the rest from the farmer's market.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Inside the Old American Can Factory

July 3, 2010

This is a building that is now used by lots of artists for studio space. I've been in part of it a couple of times, but this night we went to watch short films on the roof. It was a really nice night and a large crowd showed up for the films, and even people in the nearby hotel came out on their balconies to watch. This shot is in a dark hallway, where I went on a scavenger hunt for a bathroom. It's a charming building.

My microplane

July 2, 2010

I don't know why I did not buy one of these sooner. It's great for grating garlic, nutmeg, ginger, onion, lemons, etc. AND it's easy to clean. If you cook much with any of those ingredients, get a microplane grater/zester.

bike closet

July 1, 2010

One of the points of our current rental that helped hook us was the under the stoop storage. We wanted an easily accessible spot to store bikes without having to drag them through the house, which is hard here since they don't actually fit through the hallway. It's outside but our bikes are protected from rain and snow, and behind a locked gate, so perfect. The house we are trying to buy also has stoop storage. Every bit of possible storage is used in NYC.


June 30, 2010

We have been looking at places to buy all around our neighborhood and nearby for a while. For a year or so, I knew too much information on every available property in the area over a certain size. We saw condos and coops and strange things in basements and I showed Craig the movie "The Money Pit". We went to tons of open houses and finally found a place that seemed like our best option. We've had an offer accepted on the home that goes with this door. If all goes well, there will be many, many more pictures of the house in the future.


June 29, 2010

This week's share included cherries, snapdragons, a sage plant, broccoli, kohlrabi, green onions, garlic scapes, kale, radishes, snow peas, and some other greens.

Hot, hot, hot

June 28, 2010

A whopping 86 degrees in our apartment at 9:30pm. I told you it was hot.


June 27, 2010

The views from our deck.

Our place is on the avenue and the look out the back is pretty much straight down the middle of the block. This shot is over the tops of lots of backyards.

Looking north to a well-kept yard.

Looking south to a somewhat neglected yard. They only use it for clothes drying.

A magical cooling bed

June 26, 2010

It's not really magical, but it is great. It's a dog "cooling" bed. You fill it with water, which is good at pulling heat away from us (to put it really simply) and it keeps the dog (or me, if I happen to lie on it) cool. This summer has been far warmer than our previous 5 summers here and Shep has been miserable, hence the bed.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Waffle building

June 25, 2010

This is supposedly the southernmost building on Manhattan (the street number is 1) and it happens to be where Craig's office is located these days. I think they are on the 33 floor or so, with another floor or two above or below. We always describe it as the "waffly looking building" when trying to help people pick it out from the other tall, grey buildings.

I'm not on a boat

(Taken June 25)
June 24, 2010

I was in Battery Park (I think I went to Craig's office nearby to take him something he needed, but I don't remember why I was there). There were lots of boats out on the water and I wished I were on one of them. I'm now determined to get a group of friends together for a boat tour either up the Hudson or around Brooklyn for a few hours. If not this summer, next! There are options from 6 people up to huge groups.

Taco Salad

June 23, 2010

A tasty dinner inspired by the CSA greens.

Another CSA share

June 23, 2010

The CSA share for this week included: a mixed bouquet, kohlrabi (yeah, I had no idea what that one is either), strawberries, kale, bok choy, spinach, lettuce, and garlic scapes. It was a very greens-heavy week.

Produce department

June 21, 2010

A market around the corner from us has been revamping the store. Part of that includes changing the store name to Smart and Healthy, which I think is funny. I wonder if people feel healthier for shopping there (it's just got the regular stuff). One thing they did is add this outdoor area for produce. You'll pretty much only see produce in sidewalk stands at groceries here.

The city, in an effort to encourage people to have and choose healthier foods, makes it pretty easy for stores to get permits for sidewalk displays if they only use the space for produce. (See, I learned *something* in school). Space is hard to come by here, and grocery stores tend to have small aisles and use every bit of space to stock as much as possible. Being able to add space outside is important to store owners, and in areas where there is little fresh produce, the residents gain more food options. I also think a nice display makes the stretch of sidewalk look nicer.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Super bad

June 20, 2010

I almost got into a squabble over this photo. This shirt, which I've seen elsewhere, was in a booth at the 7th Avenue fair. I liked the image of the silly shirt with a brownstone in the background. The woman at the booth got mad and told me I had to ask her permission to take the picture, and I (nicely) told her I didn't . If the shirt had been on her, it would have been nice for me to ask her but at present you can still take a picture in a public space (the street) in NYC, legally.

Dangerous doors

June 19, 2010

A building in downtown Brooklyn. I think it's in the process of being torn down I think, and this row of doors just open to nothing.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

June 18, 2010

I planted the garden back in May and you could see a lot of dirt back then. This photo is a little blurry, but you can see that the impatiens are coming in nicely. I love my colorful backyard.

Hydrangea flowers

June 17, 2010

I cut these from the bush in the yard. The raw photo was kind of boring, so I thought this was a good one to play with in editing. I really like the finished product here, but maybe I'm just biased.

More home made pizza

June 16, 2010

This is another decent attempt at pizza, but this was before my pizza class so it wasn't amazing. I used sourdough starter for to make the crust and then let the dough sit for 24 hours before baking to let the flavor ripen. Boy did it ripen! The taste of the crust almost overpowered all of the toppings, but Craig really liked it. This is pre-baking.

CSA week 1

June 15, 2010

I mentioned the CSA in an earlier post. This week I got more than we needed with the regular share plus the make-up share for the failed first week delivery.

Some of the stuff I got this week: strawberries, various greens (kale, bok choy, spinach, vitamin greens, lettuce), turnips, radishes, green onions, garlic scapes (the green part of garlic plants), cut flowers, and a pot of mixed herb plants. I probably left some greens out of the list, but you get the idea.

Dinner at Joe's Shanghai

June 14, 2010

A friend we made from Craig's grad program at UNC, Leo, was stopping through NYC with his girlfriend so we met them for dinner. They are both Chinese (as in born and raised there) and she lived in NYC for a while a few years ago and was craving real Chinese food so we went to Joe's Shanghai. It's known for its dumplings (at least that's what I had heard about), among other things. Leo's girlfriend chose most of the food, starting with dumplings and ending with this fish. The colors from the fish dish were so overwhelming (orangey fried crust and read sauces) that I had to make it black and white to make it more tolerable. I am not an adventurous eater, but I tried everything but the fish. To make sure I didn't go hungry, I ordered myself the nice plain chicken and broccoli dish pictured below the fish. I think we were all very full by the end.

Through the stairs

June 13, 2010

This is another shot taken while waiting for a train that never came (at least during the 30 minutes I waited) at the Jay Street station. I eventually took those stairs up and walked to another station.

A whole lot of pride

June 12, 2010

One of the many street fairs/festivals around here is the pride weekend fair. It happens on the road along the park (they close streets for these fairs) and there are the usual street fair booths with food, jewelry, sheets and this event also has things like churches (that are gay friendly) and health vans.

This guy is apparently a fixture at the event. He just cracked me up with his outfit, the parrot on his head, and the poodle in the stroller. By the way, a dog in a stroller is far from uncommon here. I think most of the dogs in strollers are old and not very mobile with owners who take them out for fresh air.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


June 11, 2010

Deck, meet fire. Fire, meet deck. This has now been fixed but it ruined our mood for grilling for a while. I focused on the flowers for the shot on purpose-I'd rather not think about that hole incident much.

A feast fit for a dog

June 10, 2010

Sometimes Shep gets sick, with um, digestive issues. When all of your dog's time outside is chaperoned my you, and you pick up his poop, you know when the pup is sick. Vets suggest feeding a bland diet to keep from further upsetting the stomach. A bland diet however, requires effort and time so I just make a batch of it if I run out and keep portions in the freezer. Luckily Shep doesn't need this often, but when he does, I want him "stopped up" ASAP since he is stuck in the house when we're gone.

The basic idea is chicken (no skin--fat is bad for an upset dog stomach), rice, some fiber (I use sweet potato, some dogs like pumpkin), and oats. I usually cook the chicken in water, remove any fat and bones, shred the chicken and then cook the rice, potatoes and oats in the chicken water then mix it all together. Shep's pallet is not too refined, so there is really no such thing as overcooking any of the ingredients. I then add water to it when I feed him to get more fluids in him.