(for June 3)
May 16, 2010
The Parks Department has a new campaign up to save trees. In the summer, particularly on weekends, the park fills with people grilling and picnicking. Grilling is allowed in some areas, and not in most. A big problem with grillers is that they dump their coals right where they are instead of in the designated bins (which aren't helped by idiots who put trash in them). Many coals get dumped at the bottom of trees. In response to this, the department put these ribbons around the trees in popular grilling spots. There are
also signs with a cartoon of a sad-faced tree with the "charcoal kills trees" message in many languages.
Personally, I don't think this is near the top of pressing issues in the park because I'm out there every morning and don't see that many coals dumped on trees. They are dumped in inappropriate areas (and I've stepped in them while still hot), but I just haven't seen much on trees. The mounds of trash left by the grillers is my big issue. (See an example
here) They bring and leave tons of stuff: platters of food, bags of raw meat, grills, chairs, wrappers, cakes, dirty diapers, etc. I think they need many more trash dumpsters (cans are too easily stolen) and to ticket people littering. We've seen plenty of them just tossing used plates, cups, and the like on the ground so it shouldn't be that hard.