Thursday, August 19, 2010

Super bad

June 20, 2010

I almost got into a squabble over this photo. This shirt, which I've seen elsewhere, was in a booth at the 7th Avenue fair. I liked the image of the silly shirt with a brownstone in the background. The woman at the booth got mad and told me I had to ask her permission to take the picture, and I (nicely) told her I didn't . If the shirt had been on her, it would have been nice for me to ask her but at present you can still take a picture in a public space (the street) in NYC, legally.


Gwendolyn said...

Yeah, I don't really know why booth people get all upset at their wares being photographed. That was extra true in London, I've seen people get kicked right out of the stalls for it. It's a great shot, totally worth the conflict. ;)

Allison C said...

I've read a lot about how hard it is to take photographs in public places in London-sounds frustrating and ridiculous.

The main reason I don't take more shots of random people around NYC is my fear of people reacting badly. I need to work on that.