Monday, August 9, 2010

Beautiful mess (aka pound cake)

(for June 2)
June 12, 2010

I decided to make this pound cake kind of late in the evening to go with fresh strawberries we'd bought that day. The recipe (from Southern Living) called to bake the cake almost two hours. I was not going to stay awake long enough to bake it, let it cool, and consume it so I foolishly upped the temperature a little in the oven and cooked for a shorter time. The texture and doneness were excellent (as was the flavor-I think I've found a new favorite pound cake recipe) but as you can see, I had a ton of trouble getting it out of the pan. Hopefully next time I make it according to the actual instructions it will come out of the pan without force.

It went perfectly with strawberries and fresh whipped cream, as seen here.

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