Wednesday, February 10, 2010

About 10 hours before this picture, he didn't seem so sweet

Shep looks so sweet and innocent here, doesn't he? Don't let that sleeping pup fool you.

This morning I woke up and headed out to the park early because I had some school work I needed to do before heading into campus and I usually go straight in after walking Shep. There were lots of squeaky toys in the meadow (that's another post for another day) so we headed into the woods to another area with my friend and her dog. After a nice long walk and some good playtime with other dogs, we all headed back through the woods to go home. Along the way Shep and his buddy Kodiak found something dead and my darling dog rolled in it. He didn't just rub his neck on it. No, he thoroughly rubbed his entire body in the stink. It really was impressive how well he coated himself. I didn't really notice until we got home and I knew my work was out the door and he was into the tub. I tossed him in and scrubbed his stinky fur good.

After his bath, as I rushed to clean the tub and make sure I didn't smell like dead animal, he just happily ran laps back and forth through the apartment. He uses his cute furry face to keep us from getting mad at him over stunts like this one.

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