Thursday, February 4, 2010

Confessions of filth


I am leaving this photo small because it is of something kind of gross. Craig tends to like things neat (throw it all in the basement to make the rest of the place look clean) while I am more concerned with actual cleanliness than clutter but not obsessively so. We are renting so I don't feel a strong urge to keep the place as spotless as I would if I planned to be in it for a long time. Counters, the tub, the floors, and the dog are all kept pretty clean. I vacuum pretty much every other day--I am usually barefoot at home so I like the floor to be clean and between the shedding dog and us tracking in dirt and the very old gap-ridden floors, it gets gross fast. I do a load of laundry almost every day. I scrub the tub often and the dog when he needs it, but there are a few little things I have trouble tackling.

Two biggies in that category are the spaces under/in the radiators and ceiling fans. Obviously these are not related to clutter so there is no way I'm getting Craig to touch them, so it's up to me. I use the vacuum hose on the radiators as best I can but there is still a whole world of dust bunnies in there somewhere, I'm sure. The fan is just such a pain. I have to get stools and then try not to knock all the gross dirt and god knows what all over myself. Well, right after taking this picture I cleaned the fan in our bedroom here for the first time an year and a half. From the bed, I was pretty sure it was growing some horrible mold but on closer inspection it was just a lot of dark dust.

This is not a beautiful or very interesting picture, but it might encourage me to (or one of you) to go clean something else that I have been neglecting.


Christy said...

It's all about perspective. If you hadn't told me that it was dust in your home, I would have just assumed it was dust from elsewhere in the world. Either way, it makes me no's still an interesting shot. I actually like the way that it looks "smudged".

Unknown said...

You and Rich are just alike. He is the clean one and I am the clutter one. I sympathize with Craig...
And, I love the picture.