Wednesday, February 10, 2010

More soup.


My love of the immersion blender only grows with time. This is broccoli soup. Our favorite local mexican restaurant recently started serving soups, two of which I *love*. I crave them every day, and one is broccoli which I figured couldn't be too hard to make. Their's seemed simple with a little bite, which I think is lots of garlic. Here's my recipe, where amounts are far from exact:

Brown in oil or butter:
3 stalks of celery, diced
1 medium onion, diced

Add to browned ingredients:
washed broccoli tops (not too much stalk. I used 4 heads)
enough broth to cover most of the ingredients
2 t garlic powder

Bring to a boil and cook until broccoli is tender.
Remove from heat and remove at least half of the liquid, but keep it on hand.
Blend until smooth, adding more of the reserved broth as needed. Too much will lead to very runny soup.
Mix in some cream or milk (I used about 1/2 cup to my 1.5 quarts of soup)
Salt and pepper to taste.


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