Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sub flooring


When we moved into this apartment, we were excited to see the wood floors. Our last place, while it had its merits, had horrible floors. They were the 10x10 cheapest floor tiles available, the kind that are commonly seen on classroom floors (whitish with grey flecks) and they were in horrible condition.

I wrote a long rant about the condition of our floors but it was boring so I deleted it! The short version is that our floor is really the original pine sub-floor. It was not meant to be the main floor. And it seems as such--lots of splinters for my feet and gaps to hold things hostage. For some reason the landlord (who used to live in our apartment) LOVES these floors and probably spends almost as much on repairing them as it would cost to just put down new, easy to clean floors.

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