Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Comfort Food

Another food post, surprise! My mom made this recipe when I just getting into cooking more than baked goods and grilling chicken, and I loved it so she taught me how to make it. It's really easy and I've adjusted it over the years to my tastes. I think it is an easy recipe, but it does take a little time.

This is the beginning. Bell peppers and onion about to be sauteed with a little butter or olive oil.

After a few minutes of sauteing, I add the rice (brown) and brown it all some more. Once that is done, I turn off the heat and add Worcestershire sauce, cumin seed, and ground cumin. Cumin is one of my favorite seasonings.

Finished product, of rice with chicken.

My recipe (measurements do not have to be exact, other than getting the right ratio of water to rice for whatever kind of rice you use).

2 T butter/oil
1 large onion, diced
2 bell peppers, diced
1 cup rice (add a few minutes after the first ingredients)

Remove from heat and add:
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
1 T ground cumin
1T cumin seed

In large casserole dish put:
rice mixture
chicken or vegetable broth, about 2.5 cups (depends on type and amount of rice used, go by the rice bag instructions)
lay chicken breasts over top
coat top with paprika

Cover dish with foil and bake at 350'F for about 30 minutes. Uncover (careful of the steam rushing out) and cook 25-40 additional minutes until chicken and rice are done. If you use thinly sliced chicken, it will probably be done by the time you uncover it so you can remove it and wrap it in the foil to keep from overcooking it.

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